Friday, March 19, 2010


Now that I have your attention; what’s up with (most) women and this very tired phrase, huh?

“Men are pigs,” what’s up with that? I swear I’ve heard that stupid phrase one too many times and I just have to vent! If men are pigs it can be concluded (with the same breath, and in the same context) that women are unintelligent, foolish, and gullible! Repetitive…?

Damn right!

“What do women want?” This is a very tired question and if I knew the answer to that I’d be bigger than Bill Gates. On the other hand I do know what women don’t want. From what I hear and read daily women don’t want a bum, a player, a jerk, or a ‘generic man.’ How come then that’s what they always seem to end up with? My conclusion… It’s their fault! You don’t agree with me? Read on…

If you have a tag-line on your internet profile that says “looking for a REAL man” and your primary profile picture is a close-up of your breasts with you in your bed, half naked, am talking to you.

If your tag line says “wht th3 F*** is going on h3r3...Wh3r3 ar3 th3 corr3ct black dud3s...” and you are dressed up like a wanna-be hiphop artist, and you think that 'gang banging' is awesome am talking to you.

If somewhere in your 'About me' section are written the words "I wanna be lil Wayne's 7th baby mama!" am talking to you.

If your tag line says “I’m tired of boys, I need a man!” and all or most of your pics are of you in the club getting drunk with your girl-friends, sticking your tongue out at the camera in a group photograph whilst pulling down your blouse to expose one or both of your breasts and the tattoo(s) there-on, am talking about you!

The wanna-be-gangsta, the attention seeker/craver, the lovelorn, and last but not least; the insecure ‘Barbie’ (you know the type!) all have one thing in common… They lack self-esteem and and they fail to realize that they are both unique and beautiful and no one should be allowed to make them think or feel otherwise!

Everybody wants a good thing so it’s quite natural for guys to crave and lust after models, and women after men with bodies like they were cut out of marble, but one thing most folks fail to realize is that it takes a specific (if not special) kind of mind-set, and total dedication to look like Barbie or Ken and keep that image. Where then is the special time for YOU in this ever-so-busy schedule of self-aggrandizement, and or self-involvement, and where is the space for love for you when they so obviously already are totally head over heels in love with themselves?

Read my lips, if he (or she for that matter!) has the time to look like a sculpture made by Michelangelo he most likely does not hold a regular 9-5 job and has no time for anyone or anything else! He’s either a habitually jobless bum, a training instructor (good luck with that!), a narcissist who has a 9-5 job (good luck with that too!), or worse (depending on where your priority lies); a criminal! On the other hand he (or she) could be a real life model (you lucky bastard!)

Women generally tend to have this grand illusion that they are able to change a man if they put enough time and effort to it. They continually deceive themselves with this fallacy and as such, reach out with great expectations to the ‘thug’ with arms and legs wide open. Then, when he acts true to his nature they are genuinely surprised. Like gravity, a thug can always be relied upon to perform!

“He fucks around, he's a cheat” “He hits me” “He got me pregnant and left me alone with the baby” “I gave him MY ALL, what more could he ask for?” and my personal favourite… “Men are such pigs!”

Boo hoo hoo!

You made your bed missy, now sleep in it. That’s just like keeping a pet croc and expecting it not to bite your arm off because you feed it tofu! You wanted a thug, you got a thug, deal with it! Don’t brand every other guy out there with the same label. There are many good guys out there who would love and cherish you and kiss the ground you walk upon, in fact you met one today! But nooo, you want that guy that makes your toes curl and your heart beat faster! That gangsta, that THUG - not the ‘boring’ romantic guy (lol), women! Tut tut tut…

When you send out wrong vibes you get bad results. To get respect you have to command respect. Earn it by first showing some respect for yourself, then you will send out the right kind of vibes and hopefully attract the right kind of guy. Believe me you don’t have to be half-naked on a public profile to command the right kind of attention or meet the right type of guy, men know what you look like under those clothes; we have a very creative sense of imagination and we can project images in 3D and Hi-def… Besides, ALL GUYS HAVE X-RAY VISION! Some of us are so good that we can tell what kind of panties you have on and what colour your under-wear is!

Don’t get me wrong though, I love eye-candy and so does every guy out there, but you need to command the right type of attention to draw and maybe keep the right kind of guy. You can’t be half naked in almost all your public pictures and expect to find and keep a decent man. Close-up boob shots, ass shots, etc, just scream out Booty Call! Any guy will attest to this. Its one thing for you to be in a sexy bikini by the pool-side or the beach; Flaunt what you have baby, Mother Nature blessed you! But if your usual pics are one where you’re in 10 centimeters of see-through négligé, in your bedroom, on your bed, on all fours, pouting your lips at the camera… expect wolves! ROARRR!

Have your sex, but when it’s done don’t start crying ‘all men are pigs’ because he leaves the next morning and doesn’t call back; you got what you asked for… a booty call. And if you didn’t use a condom, good luck!

I will stop here because I’m rambling and beginning to deviate. At this point I’d like to say that the characters above, although based on fact, are purely fictional. Any resemblance is purely coincidental!

Remember ladies; Let NO ONE put you down. R.E.S.P.E.C.T!