Saturday, April 3, 2010


Born on the 23rd of March 2010 (19:33 hours) in Overpelt, Belgium, Shadé is the latest addition to the family of Wale Asafa (father), Ilse Vanbroeckhoven (mother), and Tayo (elder brother). She weighed 2.860 Kg at birth, and was 48.5 cm in length...

Her parents are friends of mine, and I took the pictures when I went to visit at the hospital... she was approximately 1.5 days old then...

I was allowed to carry herfor a bit, and when I did I felt a rush of emotions and feelings, some intense. She looked so sweet and fragile and I felt a rush of connection with her so much so that I wanted to take her home with me! I definitely want one or two kids in the future. Just waiting for the right person to have them with…

Congrats Ilse and Wale, I wish you both the best and I pray both your kids get to grow up strong and healthy and live blessed lives.

3 'girly' generations:

Tine Vanbroeckhoven > Ilse Vanbroeckhoven > Shadé Asafa

PS: Can I keep Shadé? Pretty pleeeease?...

Copyright © M. Marsh 2010


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